We greatly appreciate your intention to support our goals and activities. You can help us either through direct action, or by means of a donation. If you want to support a specific BIA project, please mention it in the donation. We accept donations via direct bank deposit.

Bank Account (Nepal)

Bank Account Name: BIA Foundation
Bank Name: Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Swift Code: NIBLNPKT
Account No: 02401030255301
Bank Address: Durbar Marga, Kathmanu, Nepal

Bank Account (Switzerland)

Account Holder: B.I.A.
Bank: Postfinance
Sort Code: 0900
Account No: 61-298575-4
IBAN: CH04 0900 0000 6129 8575 4

Bank Account (Germany)

BIA Deutschland e.V.
Mainzer Volksbank eG
IBAN: DE56 5519 0000 0932 7960 14

Bank Account (Austria)

Sertshang Orphanage Austria
Non-profit association representing BIA in Austria 
E-mail: office@sertshang-orphanage.org
Account name: Sertshang Orphanage Austria
IBAN:  AT10 1200 0512 6180 9601